Mississippi County Accepts $17.2 Million Bond for Courthouse Renovations

Mississippi County, Ark. made history when County Judge John Alan Nelson and other elected officials accepted bond proceeds from Stephens Inc., totaling $17,252,847.39 to fund renovations for its county’s courthouses.

The county held a special election this past February for voters to approve or oppose a bond issue in the amount of $18,100,000. The bond issue passed with 72% of residents voting in favor. It finances the renovation of both the Blytheville and Osceola courthouses, as well as construct a 17,390 square foot addition to the Blytheville courthouse.

Mississippi County, population 44,756, is one of 10 Arkansas counties that has two county courthouses. One hundred years ago, the county judge and commissioners began planning the construction of the Blytheville building in 1919. The Osceola courthouse is the county seat and 7 years older.

“Both courthouses are very beautiful buildings, and there is a lot of historic value to them,” Judge Nelson said. “A lot has happened over the last 107 years under those roofs. Once you lose something like that, you lose some part of the community. This endeavor will be a landmark in the history of Mississippi County. Preserving our past pays tribute to those who have come before us and leaves a message to those who follow,” he said.

The county retained historical architect Aaron Ruby of Revival Architecture to prepare the blueprints and designs for the Blytheville courthouse. Meanwhile, a committee made up of Osceola residents will decide how the Osceola construction funds will be used. In May, the county judge, along with his staff and Ruby, interviewed construction firms for the project. The firms offered their professional services in the renovation and new construction of the county courthouses. However, the Arkansas State Legislature changed the rules and eliminated the option of hiring construction firms in the capacity of “at risk”. This avenue would have limited the liability the county would have been exposed to. Due to the recent change, the county will hard bid the construction firms after the design phase has been completed.

Judge Nelson said the county takes on this tremendous responsibility with high respect. “The citizens of our county have entrusted us with their hard-earned money to make decisions that will prove to carry this project to a successful completion we can all be proud of,” he said.

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